Trip Report: Corsica (France), May 5-12, 1998

Tommy Andersen, Lillegaard 75, 1618 Fredrikstad, Norway
Rune Asbjørnsen, Kjølberggt. 16, 1653 Sellebakk, Norway
Magne Pettersen, J. L. Johannesensgt. 33, 1636 Gamle Fredrikstad, Norway
Patric Simensen, Lillegaard 26, 1618 Fredrikstad, Norway

Submitted by Morten Viker;

Map: Hildebrand's Travel Map

Sites Visited:

May 5. Arrived Ajaccio 20.15, Took in on a motel near the mouth of river Prunelli.

May 6. Drove the road D555, then the N193 to Vivario. Road N200. From Corte to Aleria

May 7. Aleria - Corte - Gorges de la Restonica-Asco

May 8. D147, Asco Valley - Haut Asco - N193 to W of airpoort south of Etang Biguglia - D80 to the ringing station at Barcaggio at Cape Corse

May 9. Barcaggio - Baie de Macinagggio, Cape Corse - D80 - D81 to Barrage de Codole

May 10. Calvi - Cargèse - D70 Evisa

May 11. Evisa - Rivermoth of Liamane - D81 to Ajaccio - D555

Bird List

  1. Great Crested Grebe: Few birds at Etang de Biguglia 8.5.
  2. Cory's Sherwater: 50 birds seen from Punta de Agnello, Cape Corse 9.5.
  3. Levantine Sherwater: A total of 500 birds was feeding together with the Cory's east of Ile de la Giraglia 9.5., and 70 birds seen outside Erbalunga same day.
  4. Shag: 15 outside Punta de Cargèse 10.5
  5. Little Egret: 1 at Barcaggio, Cape Corse 9.5, and 3 birds resting at Barrage de Codole 10.5.
  6. Grey Heron: Seen Cape Corse.
  7. Purple Heron: One bird resting at Barcaggio 9.5, and one bird north of Macinaggio, Cape Corse 9.5 .
  8. Mallard: Few birds at Etang de Biguglia 8.5.
  9. Honey-buzzard: 1 in Haut Asco 8.5.
  10. Red Kite: Common.
  11. Lammergeier: 1 at Berg de Grotello, Georges de la Restonica 7.5., and 2 birds at Haut-Asco, and probably the same two birds at la Caldane 8.5.
  12. Marsh Harrier: 2 females at Haut Asco 8.5, and 4 west of Aeroport de Bastia-Poretta 8.5. 1 at Barcaggio, Cape Corse 9.5. female at Calvi 10.5.
  13. Montagu's Harrier: One female flew southwest at Baraggio, Cape Corse 9.5. 1 also seen by French birders north of Macinaggio, Cape Corse 7.5.
  14. Sparrowhawk: One at Foret de Bonifatio 10.5.
  15. Common Buzzard: Quite common.
  16. Golden Eagle: 2 seen at Haut Asco 8.5.
  17. Osprey: Nested at Baraggio, Cape Corse.
  18. Lesser Kestrel: 1 seen Haut Asco 8.5.
  19. Common Kestrel: Common.
  20. Merlin: One male seen at Macinaggio, Cape Corse 9.5.
  21. Hobby: 1 at Barraggio, Cape Corse 9.5.
  22. Peregrine Falcon: 1 at Punta de Cargèse 10.5.
  23. Red-legged Partridge: Two birds seen at the first bridge on the way to Forest the Bonifato 10.5.
  24. Common Quail: One heard at Mezanodia, south of the airport at Calvi 10.5.
  25. Little Crake: One male heard north of Maccinago by French birders 7.5.
  26. Spotted Crake: One was attracted to the light, and popped out of a bush (!!!) when we drank our evening beer at the motel by the mouth of Prunelli 5.5.
  27. Moorhen: 3 at Baraggio, Cape Corse 9.5.
  28. Common Coot: Common on Etang de Biguglia.
  29. Stone Curlew: 1 bird seen flying over the beach at aeroport d'Ajaccio 11.5.
  30. Little Ringed Plover: 2 at the mouth of Liamane 11.5.
  31. Great Ringed Plover: 1 at Barcaggio, Cape Corse 9.5.
  32. Little Stint: 1 at Barcaggio, Cape Corse 9.5. 2 at the mouth of Liamane 11.5.
  33. Temminck's Stint: 1 at Barcaggio, Cape Corse 8.5., 1 north of Macinaggio, Cape Corse 9.5.
  34. Curlew Sandpiper: 2 birds at Barcaggio, Cape Corse 9.5. 6 at the mouth of river Liamane 11.5.
  35. Ruff: 2 north of Macinaggio, Cape Corse 9.5.
  36. Common Redshank: 6 at Barcaggio, Cape Corse 9.5.
  37. Wood Sandpiper: 4 seen at Barcaggio, Cape Corse 9.5. 1 north of Macinaggio, Cape Corse 9.5.
  38. Common Sandpiper: 1 at Saint Jean 6.5. 4 seen at Barcaggio, Cape Corse 9.5.
  39. Black-headed Gull: A few birds seen.
  40. Audouin's Gull: Two birds seen at Punta de Agnello, Cape Corse 9.5.
  41. Yellow-legged Gull: Seen regularly along the coast. 100 at mouth of river Prunelli 6.5. 250 at Erbalunga 9.5. 150 at Liamone 11.5.
  42. Wood Pigeon: A few birds seen.
  43. Collared Dove: Quite common.
  44. Turtle Dove: Seen quite common.
  45. Common Cuckoo: Seen and heard quite common.
  46. Eurasian Scops Owl: 4 at the mouth of river Pirelli 5.5. 1 at Evisa 10.5. Heard in Barcaggio, Cape Corse 9.5.
  47. European Nightjar: One was seen hunting at Barcaggio, Cape Corse 8.5.
  48. Alpine Swift: 6 on N 193 at Collo di st. Quilico 7.5. 50 birds seen at Haut Asco 8.5. 5 at Gargèse 10.5. 10 at Barcaggio, Cape Corse 9.5.
  49. Common Swift: 100 at Barcaggio, Cape Corse 9.5. Quite common.
  50. Pallid Swift: Seen in Bastia. Barcaggio, Cape Corse.
  51. European Bee-eater: 6 on N200 at Vaccaja 6.5. 5 at Cateradigo N200 7.5. 13 west of Aeroporto de Bastia.poretta 8.5. 32 at Barcaggio, Cape Corse 9.5. 18 at Macinaggio, Cape Corse 9.5. 25 in Cargese 10.5.3 at Evisa 10.5. 65 on road betwen Calvi and Bonifatio 10.5. 20 at the mouth of river Liamane 11.5. 3 at Porteficcio 11.5.
  52. European Roller: 3 seen on the road west of the Aeroport de Bastia-Poretta 8.5. 1 at Cargese 10.5.
  53. Hoopoe: 2 along river Asco 7.5. 2 seen on road west of the Aeroport de Bastia-Poretta 8.5. 2 in the south end of Etang de Biguglia 8.5. 2 at Barcaggio, Cape Corse 9.5. 1 nort of Macinaggio, Cape Corse 9.5.
  54. Wryneck: Seen and heard Porticcio, Haut Asco, Forest de Bonifato, Gargèse and Evisa.
  55. Great Spotted Woodpecker: Single birds seen and heard Etang de Diana, Georges de Restonica, Haut Asco.
  56. Short-toed Lark: At least 4 birds seen north of Macinaggio, Cape Corse 9.5.
  57. Wood Lark: Common in uplands.
  58. Sand Martin: 100 per hour at Macinaggio 9.5.
  59. Crag Martin: 10 on road N200 at Saint Jean 6.5. 15 in Georges de la Restonica 7.5. 3 along river Asco 7.5. 40 on Haut Asco 8.5. 3 at Evisa 10.5.
  60. Barn Swallow: 10000 per hour at Macinaggio 9.5., and 5000 per hour at Barraggio, Cape Corse 9.5. 100,000s of swallows on passage at Cape Corse 9.5.
  61. Red-rumped Swallow: 3 resting and 3 on passage at Macinaggio, Cape Corse 9.5.
  62. House Martin: 10 per hour at Macinaggio, Cape Corse 9.5.
  63. Tawny Pipit: Not uncommon in sparcely covered lowlands. 1 by the airport of Ajaccio 6.5. 6 birds west of Aeroporto de Bastia-Poretta 8.5. 7 at Barcaggio, Cape Corse 9.5. 2 at Saint Florent 9.5. 3 at the mouth of river Liamane 11.5.
  64. Tree Pipit: 1 at Ucciana 6.5. 15 at Barcaggio, Cape Corse 9.5.
  65. Red-throated Pipit: Two birds was seen by some French birders at Aeroport de Bastia-Poreta 7.5.
  66. Water Pipit: 4 at Lac De Meto, Georges de la Restonica 7.5., 12 Haut Asco 8.5.
  67. Yellow Wagtail: 100 north of Macinaggio, Cape Corse 9.5.
  68. Grey Wagtail: Quite common in suitable habitat.
  69. Dipper: 1 near Asco 8.5.
  70. Wren: Quite common. This is of the race T. t. konenigi.
  71. Alpine Accentor: 7 birds seen near la Mufrella, Haut Asco 8.5. We followed the ski lift to its end, and then a stiff climb up to the mountain ridge.
  72. Rufous Nightingale: Common 3 at mouth of river Pirelli 5.5., and 8 6.5. 1 at Cateradigo, Aleria 7.5.
  73. Common Redstart: 3 birds seen at Barcaggio, Cape Corse 9.5.
  74. Whinchat: Quite common on Cape Corse.
  75. Common Stonechat: Common.
  76. Northern Wheatear: Quite common on Haut Asco and Cape Corse.
  77. Blue Rock Thrush: One singing male seen well at Punta di Agnello, Cape Corse 9.5.
  78. Blackbird: Common.
  79. Robin: Quite common. This is of the race E.r sardus.
  80. Cetti's Warbler: Mouth of river Prunelli 6.5. 4 at Etang de Diana 6.5. 2 at Cateraggio on N200 7.5. 10 at Etang de Bigugglia 8.5. 1 at aerport of Calvi 10.5. 2 at the mouth of river Liamane 11.5. 1 D555 11.5.
  81. Zitting Cisticola: Common at mouth of river Prunelli 6.5. 10 at Etang de Bigguglia 8.5. 2 west of Aeroport Bastia-Poretta 8.5. 1 at Cargèse 10.5. 1 at the mouth of river Liamane 11.5.
  82. Sedge Warbler: At least 15 seen at Barcaggio, Cape Corse 9.5.
  83. Reed Warbler: A few birds at etang de Biguglia 8.5., and 5 at Barcaggio, Cape Corse 9.5.
  84. Great Reed Warbler: 6 birds at Barcaggio, Cape Corse 9.5.
  85. Marmora's Warbler: Responded well to tapes in low maquis. 3 at Vivario, 2 seen along D147. 3 by D81 west of Saint Florent. 2 by road between Calvi and Bonifato. 1 at Barcaggio, Cape Corse. This is of the race S. s. sarda.
  86. Dartford Warbler: Fairly common in low maquis. Seen between Calvi and Bonifatio, Evisa, road D555, Cargèse, D81 west of Saint Florent and around Barcaggio, Cape Corse. This is of the race S. u. corsa.
  87. Subalpine Warbler: Road between Calvi and Bonifatio.Mouth of river Liamone. Road D555. Etang de Biguglia. 25 Barcaggio, Cape Corse.
  88. Sardinian Warbler: Seen between Calvi and Bonifatio. By D555 and at Cargèse.
  89. Common Whitethroat: 10 birds at Barcaggio, Cape Corse 9.5.
  90. Garden Warbler: 5 birds at Barcaggio, Cape Corse 9.5.
  91. Blackcap: 4 birds at Barcaggio, Cape Corse 9.5.
  92. Wood Warbler: 15 birds seen at Barcaggio, Cape Corse 9.5.
  93. Common Chiffchaff: 2 birds seen and heard at Barcaggio, Cape Corse 9.5.
  94. Willow Warbler: At least 8 birds at Barcaggio, Cape Corse 9.5.
  95. Goldcrest: Seen Forest de Bonifato.
  96. Firecrest: Quite common in pine forest. Monte Grosso, south of Vivario, Corte, Haut Asco, Forest de Bonifato.
  97. Spotted Flycatcher: 2 at Barcaggio 9.5.
  98. Pied Flycatcher: 4 at Barcaggio 9.5.
  99. Coal Tit: Common in pine forest. Theese birds belong to the race P. a. sardus.
  100. Great Tit: Common. This is of the race P. m. corsus.
  101. Blue Tit: Common. The Corsican birds belong to the race P. c. ogliastrae.
  102. Long-tailed Tit: Recorded at Porticcio and Asco valley. This is of the race A. c. irbii.
  103. Corsican Nuthatch: Came up road N193 to Vivario, then followed D69 for aboat 2 km. Had 6 birds in 15 minutes with a tape recorder 6.5. Also 3 at Evisa 11.5
  104. Wallcreeper: One female seen from the carpark at Berg de Grotello, Georges de la Restonica 7.5.
  105. Eurasian Treecreeper: One bird seen at Evisa 11.5. This is of the race C. f. corsa.
  106. Golden Oriole: A male at the mouth of river Prunelli 6.5., and a male at Barcaggio, Cape Corse 9.5.
  107. Red-backed Shrike: Quite common.
  108. Woodchat Shrike: Quite common. Regularly seen on roadside wires. This is the race L. s. badius.
  109. Yellow-billed Chough: 25 in Gorges de la Restonica 7.5. 40 Haut Asco 8.5.
  110. Eurasian Jay: Quite common in the pine forests. This is of the race G. g. corsicanus.
  111. Carrion Crow: Quite common.
  112. Common Raven: Common in upland areas.
  113. Spotless Starling: Limited in distribution, this bird avoids the higher regions and prefers being near villages such as Porticcio, Vaccaja, Etang de Diana, Cateradigo, Aeroport de Bastia-Poretta.
  114. House Sparrow: The Italian Sparrow appeared common near habitation.
  115. European Serin: Quite common with 15 at Etang de Biguglia 8.5.
  116. Citril Finch: Common in mountain regions, but also quite common in lower regions. Seen down to sea level. This nice brown-backed species is of the race S. c. corsicane.
  117. Greenfinch: Common.
  118. Goldfinch: Common. These birds belongs to the race C. c. tschusii.
  119. Common Crossbill: Only one bird heard at Monte Grosso, Vivario 6.5. These birds belong to the race L. c. corsicana.
  120. Cirl Bunting: Common in suitable habitat. This is of the race E. c. nigrostriata.
  121. Corn Bunting: Common in suitable habitat.

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This page served with permission of the author by Urs Geiser;; February 22, 1999