Trip Report: Crete (Greece), April 14-21, 2000
Thomas Pettersson, Härnevigatan 3 A, SE-723 41
Västerås, Sweden;
A family vacation with birding mainly in early mornings (all but one,
18/4) and only in the western part of the island. Hotel in Platanias,
some 15 km west of Chania. Arrived at Chania airport 14/4 at 11.30,
departed 22/4 at 00.15. Rented a car (Hyundai Accent) by Avis - functional.
Nice weather with light clouds and sunshine 14-17/4, cloudy and some rain
the remaining period, especially 21/4, also with thunder. First light about
06.30 a.m.
Visited (Main) Sites
- Keridis River mouth and beach. 15/4 early morning and a short
glimpse in the afternoon, 20/4 in the morning.
- Agia/Ayia Reservoir. 15/4 afternoon (dam side), 16/4 early
morning (pumping station and dam side), 17/4 (dam) in the morning,
18/4 (dam) a short visit in the afternoon, 19/4 (dam) late
morning, 21/4 (dam) early morning.
- Skoutelonas River (River Spiliakos). 20/4 in the morning.
- Tavronítis River. 16/4 a short visit at noon, 17/4
in the morning, 20/4 in the morning.
- Falásarna. 16/4 in the afternoon, 20/4 in the morning.
- Omalos Plateau. 18/4 mid and late morning, 19/4 early morning.
Also some birding and/or brief visits at Platanias beach, Afráta,
Chania harbour and Agia Irini.
Annotated species list
- Little Grebe. Tachybaptus r. ruficollis. Seen every
visit at Agia, at most c. 25 16/4. Many of them in pairs, displaying and
obviously territorial.
- Great Cormorant. Phalacrocorax carbo subsp. 6 fishing
at sea off Plataniás 15/4. 7 off Geráni 16/4. Probably
all of them were P. c. sinensis.
- European Shag. Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmarestii.
1 ad. off Chania harbour 19/4.
- Black-crowned Night Heron. Nycticorax n. nycticorax.
1 ad. roosting at Agia 16/4.
- Squacco Heron. Ardeola ralloides. 1 adult at a small
pond (looked more like a flooded golf-green) in the southern part of
the Omalos plateau 19/4. 1 at Keridis 20/4.
- Little Egret. Egretta g. garzetta. 10 roosting at
Keridis 15/4. 1 at upstream Keridis River 17/4. 1 at Keridis 18/4 and 19/4.
- Grey Heron. Ardea c. cinerea. 1 at Tavronitis 20/4.
1 at Agia 21/4.
- Glossy Ibis. Plegadis f. falcinellus. 2 adults at
Keridis 15/4.
- Mallard. Anas p. platyrhynchos. Only seen at Agia, at
most 4 (1 female) 16/4 and 17/4. 7 males there 19/4.
- Garganey. Anas querquedula. 2 males and 1 female at
Agia 16/4. 1 male at Tavronitis 17/4. 1 pair at Agia 21/4.
- Black Kite. Milvus m. migrans. 1 at Agia 15/4 and 18/4.
- Lammergeier. Gypaetus barbatus aureus. 1 adult at
Xylóskalo 18/4.
- Eurasian Griffon Vulture. Gyps f. fulvus. A total of
5 (1 at the time) at Omalos and Xylóskalo 18/4. 1 at Tourli 19/4.
- Western Marsh Harrier. Circus ae. aeruginosus. Only
females and/or 2nd year birds seen: 1 adult female at Keridis 15/4.
1 at Agia 15/4, 16/4 and 18/4. 1 2nd year heading north at A
fráta 17/4. 1 at Tavronitis 20/4. 2 at Agia 21/4.
- Montagu's Harrier. Circus pygargus. 1 male
west of Kissámos 20/4.
- Common Buzzard. Buteo b. buteo. Commonly seen, at
least the first three days.
- Common Kestrel. Falco t. tinnunculus. 1 at Afráta
17/4. 1 at upstream Keridis River 17/4. 2 at Omalos 18/4. 1 at
Falásarna 20/4.
- Chukar. Alectoris chukar cypriotes. Heard at Omalos 18/4.
- Water Rail. Rallus a. aquaticus. 1 at Agia 21/4.
- Little Crake. Porzana parva. Agia: 1 female 15/4;
4 males and 5 females 16/4; 3 males and 2 females 18/4; 1 male and 3 females
19/4; 7 males and 12 females 21/4. Tavronitis: 2 males 17/4; 1 male 20/4.
- Common Moorhen Gallinula ch. chloropus. 15 at Keridis
15/4. Seen every visit at Agia, at most c. 75 16/4. A few at Tavronitis 17/4.
- Eurasian Coot. Fulica a. atra. 1 at Keridis 15/4. Seen
every visit at Agia, at most 50 19/4. One seemed to be brooding at nest 16/4.
- Black-winged Stilt. Himantopus h. himantopus. 1 at Agia
15/4, 16/4, 19/4 and 21/4.
- Little Ringed Plover. Charadrius dubius curonicus.
3 at Keridis 15/4. 1 at Skoutelonas 20/4. 1 at Tavronitis 20/4. 1 at
Keridis 20/4.
- Common Greenshank. Tringa nebularia. 1 at Skoutelonas
20/4. 2 at Keridis 20/4.
- Wood Sandpiper. Tringa glareola. 1 at Agia 18/4. 2 at
a small pond in the southern part of the Omalos plateau 19/4. 4 at Agia 19/4.
12 at Skoutelonas 20/4. 2 at Tavronitis 20/4. 3 at Keridis 20/4. 10 at
Agia 21/4.
- Common Sandpiper. Actitis hypoleucos. 9 at Keridis 15/4.
2 at Agia 15/4 and 16/4. 1 at Tavronitis 17/4. 1 at Keridis 20/4. 5 at Agia
- Slender-billed Gull. Larus genei. 1 2nd year at Keridis
- Yellow-legged Gull. Larus cachinnans michahellis.
Common, both at sea and elsewhere, e.g. 50 at Agia 15/4, mostly adults.
1 caught a moorhen at Agia 16/4.
- Rock Dove. Columba l. livia. 4 at Apopigádi 19/4.
- Common Wood Pigeon. Columba p. palumbus. 1 singing at
Agia 16/4.
- Eurasian Collared Dove. Streptopelia d. decaocto. 1
singing in Platanias 19/4 and 21/4.
- Common Swift. Apus a. apus. Not common, but seen in
small numbers almost everywhere.
- Alpine Swift. Apus m. melba. 1 at Keridis 15/4. 1 at
Agia 16/4.
- Crested Lark. Galerida cristata meridionalis. Common.
- Wood Lark. Lullula arborea pallida. Some 15 singing at
Omalos 18/4 and 19/4.
- Sand Martin. Riparia r. riparia. Marked increase in
number during the week; a few at Agia 16/4, c. 100 at Agia 18/4, c. 600 at
Agia 19/4.
- Eurasian Crag Martin. Ptyonoprogne rupestris. Some 10 at
Omalos and Xylóskalo 18/4.
- Barn Swallow. Hirundo r. rustica. Marked increase in
number during the week; c. 500 at Agia 18/4.
- Red-rumped Swallow. Hirundo daurica rufula. 1 at Agia
16/4, together with Barn Swallows, resting on a wire.
- Common House Martin. Delichon u. urbica. Seen in rather
small numbers along with Sand Martins and Barn Swallows, mainly at Agia.
- Tree Pipit. Anthus t. trivialis. 3 at Omalos 18/4. Several
heard at Falásarna 20/4.
- Red-throated Pipit. Anthus cervinus. 1 at Tavronitis 17/4.
- Yellow Wagtail. Motacilla flava. M. f. flava:
1 male at Keridis 15/4. Many males at Agia 16/4. 1 male at Falásarna 20/4.
M. f. feldegg: Many at Agia 16/4; 10 males at Tavronitis 17/4. 1 male
and 1 female at Falásarna 20/4. M. f. "superciliaris":
1 male at Tavronitis 20/4.
- White Wagtail. Motacilla a. alba. Seen and/or heard
every day, at most localities.
- Winter Wren. Troglodytes troglodytes cypriotes. Common, and
heard throughout. At least 25 singing at Omalos and surrounding areas18/4.
- Common Nightingale. Luscinia m. megarhynchos. 1 singing at
Agia 15/4, 16/4, 18/4, 19/4 and 21/4. 1 singing at Omalos 18/4.
- Whinchat. Saxicola rubetra. 5 at Tavronitis 16/4 and 1 there
17/4. 1 at Falásarna 20/4.
- Common Stonechat. Saxicola torquata rubicola. Common,
e.g. at least 20 at Omalos 18/4.
- Northern Wheatear. Oenanthe oenanthe libanotica. At
least 10 at Omalos 18/4.
- Black-eared Wheatear Oenanthe hispanica melanoleuca.
2 singing near Omalos 19/4 - both were black-throated.
- Blue Rock Thrush. Monticola s. solitarius. 1 male and 1
female at Falásarna 16/4. 1 at Afráta 17/4. 1 male at
Falásarna 20/4.
- Common Blackbird. Turdus merula aterrimus. Common.
- Cetti's Warbler. Cettia c. cetti. 5 singing at Keridis
15/4. Commonly heard, almost everywhere, even in apparently dry habitats!
- Sedge Warbler. Acrocephalus schoenobaenus. Common,
e.g. seen every visit at Agia and Keridis respectively.
- European Reed Warbler. Acrocephalus s. scirpaceus.
1 at Agia 16/4.
- Great Reed Warbler. Acrocephalus a. arundinaceus.
1 singing at Keridis 15/4. 1 singing at Agia 16/4, 19/4 and 21/4. 1 singing
upstream Keridis River 17/4.
- Sardinian Warbler. Sylvia m. melanocephala. Common.
- Common Whitethroat. Sylvia communis subsp. 1 at
Afráta 17/4. 1 at Falásarna 20/4.
- Blackcap. Sylvia a. atricapilla. 2 singing near
Orthouni 19/4.
- Wood Warbler. Phylloscopus sibilatrix. Several at
Agia 16/4, one or two even singing.
- Willow Warbler. Phylloscopus trochilus subsp. 1 at
Falásarna 20/4, probably Ph. t. acredula.
- European Pied Flycatcher. Ficedula h. hypoleuca. 2 at
Omalos 19/4. 1 male at Falásarna 20/4.
- Blue Tit. Parus caeruleus calamensis. Common.
- Great Tit. Parus major niethammeri. Common.
- Eurasian Golden Oriole. Oriolus o. oriolus. 1 singing
at Agia 21/4.
- Woodchat Shrike. Lanius s. senator. Rather common and
seen at all the main localities, e.g. 4 at Omalos 18/4.
- Carrion Crow. Corvus corone sharpii. Common.
- Common Raven. Corvus corax laurencei. 4, perhaps 2
pairs, at Omalos 18/4. 2+1 at Falásarna 20/4.
- House Sparrow. Passer domesticus subsp. Common.
- Common Chaffinch. Fringilla c. coelebs. Common.
- European Serin. Serinus serinus. 1 singing near Agia
15/4. 1 singing upstream Keridis River 17/4. 1 singing at Agia Irini
19/4. 2 singing at Orthouni 19/4.
- European Greenfinch. Carduelis chloris muehlei. Common.
- European Goldfinch. Carduelis carduelis balcanica. Common.
- Common Linnet. Carduelis cannabina mediterranea. Common.
- Cirl Bunting. Emberiza cirlus. 2 singing at Omalos 18/4.
At least 4 singing at Omalos 19/4.
- Corn Bunting. Miliaria c. calandra. 1 singing at
Falásarna 16/4. 2 singing at Afráta 17/4. 3 singing at
Omalos 18/4 and 19/4. 2 singing at Falásarna 20/4.
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by Urs Geiser;;
May 29, 2000