Trip Report: Greenland, June 21 - July 28, 1997

Antti Below, Finland;

Here is a short report about the trip I made to NE-Greenland in summer 1997. The exact place was Traill Island (72°30'N). Our international group (8 persons) made actually different kinds of studies on mammals, and the observations below were made mainly by us Finns (undersigned and Mr. Paavo Hellstedt). The trip took place from 21st of June to 28th of July. The area where we made these observations covered about 100 square kms. Weather: Nights -4°C to +4°C, days +3°C to +12°C. Rain occurred during 12 days. The fjord (except the estuaries) was almost totally frozen the whole time.



One WOLF, three POLAR BEARS, about 30-40 MUSKOXES, three dens of ARCTIC FOXES, and some ARCTIC HARES and COLLARED LEMMINGS. Also three species of seals. The Wolf (white one) was the second observation of this species in the area since it disappeared in the beginning of this century.

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This page served by Urs Geiser;; September 16, 1997