Trip Report: Madeira, September 5-12, 2000

Compiled by Niklas Holmström, Jakob Ulfssons väg 8 C, SE-647 32 Mariefred, Sweden;


Karl-Bertil Gustafsson, Stefan Göransson, Ulf Karlsson and Niklas Holmström, Sweden

Travel Info

We booked a flight including accommodation and transfer from Stockholm via the Swedish travel agency Fritidsresor. We stayed at Hotel Casa Branca in the western part of Funchal, only a 5 minute walk to the sea (Lido) and 15 to the hot spot Ponta da Cruz. We rented a car (Renault Clio) from Moinho (best prize) via our travel agency. To get the best out Madeira's seabirds it is often necessary to get out onto the sea. Unfortunately we never get to the Desertas, because the boats only leave Funchal in optimal wind conditions. You have to check with Albatroz Organization (Phone:0-291-220327) every day. The sailing trip to Desertas cost 15000 Escudos (45 GB£) per person.

However, we took the ferry to Porto Santo (9000 Escudos/person) on 11 September. The problem was that we only had one hour birding before dusk on the way back from Porto Santo. To be true, the Porto Santo trip was not worth the money, even if we have excellent views of Cory's Shearwater and Bulwer's Petrel. But, note that many trip reports from previous years could tell otherwise with Fea's/Zino's Petrel, Little Shearwater, Madeiran Storm Petrel, White-faced Storm Petrel and much more.

The trip to Desertas probably offers the best chances and excellent views of seabirds, especially Fea's/Zino's Petrel. But you never know: John Oates and company did not see any Fea's/Zino's on the trip on 23 August 2000, whereas Rolf de By (NL) did see up to 30 birds on 9 September 2000. So, one could never take it for granted that a trip to Desertas (or Porto Santo) would produce these species.


Hot and sunny, mostly between 24 and 28°C, the whole period. On the northern parts there are often more or less cloudy.

Recommended Literature


5/9Airport-Funchal-Botanic Garden-Lido pm
6/9Ponta da Cruz am and pm
7/9Porto Moniz
8/9Funchal am-Balcoes am-Prainha pm-Ponta do Rosto pm
9/9Porto Moniz am-Ponta do Pargo pm
10/9Ponta da Cruz am-Botanic Garden-Funchal pm
11/9Porto Santo
12/9Ponta da Cruz-Airport am


There are many headlands on the island that look as they should produce good views of seabirds under the right conditions. The current knowledge suggests that they are mostly disappointing, and one reason is that many presumed hot spots are placed too high over the sea, such as Ponta do Rosto. The best and most consistent seawatching spot is Ponta da Cruz, the most southerly point of the island, or at Lido. Here a westward movement in the morning and an eastward movement in the evening should be visible representing birds traveling to and from the Desertas. The winds were predominantly light on the southside of the island and always more brisk along the northern coastline. Seawatching elsewhere was even less productive with the very notable exception of Porto Moniz - an excellent and low placed spot. We did seawatch from here on two days, and the first day (7th September) was outstanding, see table below. All Great, Sooty and Manx Shearwater headed towards west, probably true migrants. It was a feast for the eye to watch these species in very good conditions and with many close views! A memory for life! We found the best place to watch from was the shore parade, between the two natural swimming pools.

Seawatching at Porto Moniz    7/9   9/9
Bulwer's Petrel1712
Cory's Shearwater800460
Great Shearwater219-
Sooty Shearwater5-
Manx Shearwater33478
Little Shearwater20-

Species List (English, Scientific and Swedish Names)

  1. Fea's/Zino's Petrel - Pterodroma feae/madiera - Atlant-/Madeirapetrell
    1 - Ponta da Cruz 6/9 07:20 to 11:45am. Unfortunately the only observed bird on the trip!

  2. Bulwer's Petrel - Bulweia bulwerii - Spetsstjärtad petrell
    20 - from Lido in the evening 5/9.
    25 - Ponta da Cruz 6/9 07:20 to 11:45am and 17:00 to 20:15pm.
    17 - Porto Moniz 7/9 07:50am to 20:00pm.
    12 - Porto Moniz 9/9 08:20am to 14:40pm.
    6 - Ponta da Cruz 10/9 07:30 to 10:00am.
    8 - Porto Santo Ferry 11/9 08:00 to 11:00am and 19:00 to 20:15pm.

  3. Cory's Shearwater - Calonectris diomedea borealis - Gulnäbbad lira
    150 - from Lido in the evening 5/9.
    800 - Ponta da Cruz 6/9 07:20 to 11:45am and 17:00 to 20:15pm.
    800 - Porto Moniz 7/9 07:50am to 20:00pm.
    1000 in one big flock! - Ponta do Rosto 8/9 17:40 to 18:50pm.
    460 - Porto Moniz 9/9 08:20am to 14:40pm.
    90 - Ponta da Cruz 10/9 07:30 to 10:00am.
    270 - Porto Santo Ferry 11/9 08:00 to 11:00am and 19:00 to 20:15pm.
    80 - Ponta da Cruz 12/9 07:20 to 08:30am.
    Birds feeding and resting on the water can be seen almost everywhere, particularly from headlands and during the ferry trip to Porto Santo.

  4. Great Shearwater - Puffinus gravis - Större lira
    219 - Porto Moniz 7/9 07:50am to 20:00pm. Mostly single birds or pairs. Small parties of 3-4 birds were also seen. 195 of the birds were counted between 15:00 and 20:00pm. Distant large shearwaters were not counted, but could have produced more of the Great one.
    1 - Ponta da Cruz 9/9 in the morning (Stefan Göransson).

  5. Sooty Shearwater - Puffinus griseus - Grålira
    5 - Porto Moniz 7/9 07:50am to 20:00pm. A very unexpected shearwater on this trip!

  6. Manx Shearwater - Puffinus puffinus - Mindre lira
    334 - Porto Moniz 7/9 07:50am to 20:00pm. They passed very close, and we probably missed many flocks when looking after larger shearwaters.
    78 - Porto Moniz 9/9 08:20am to 14:40pm.
    1 - Ponta do Rosto 8/9 17:40 to 18:50pm.

  7. Little Shearwater - Puffinus assimilis baroli - Dvärglira
    20 - Porto Moniz 7/9 07:50am to 20:00pm (all were seen in the morning). As with Manx we surely missed some birds.

  8. Little Egret - Egretta garzetta - Silkeshäger
    1 - Funchal Harbour 8/9.
    1 towards east - Ponta da Cruz 10/9 07:30 to 10:00am.

  9. Grey Heron - Ardea cinerea - Gråhäger
    6 + 10 - Ponta da Cruz 6/9.
    6 - Porto Santo 11/9.

  10. Sparrowhawk - Accipiter nisus granti - Sparvhök
    5 birds were seen in total.

  11. Buzzard - Buteo buteo - Ormvråk
    Widespread and conspicuous. At least 45 birds were seen in total (5 at Ponta do Pargo 9/9).

  12. Kestrel - Falco tinnunculus canariensis - Tornfalk
    Widespread and conspicuous. Seen daily.

  13. Red-legged Partridge - Alectoris rufa hispanica - Rödhöna
    2 - Fonte da Pedra (7 km south Porto Moniz) 9/9 at dawn. The birds were heard playing.

  14. Turnstone - Arenaria interpres - Roskarl
    The commonest wader found on Madeira. One or two could usually be found on rocky beaches and Harbour walls (15 - Funchal Harbour walls 8/9).

  15. Whimbrel - Numenius phaeopus - Småspov
    1 - Porto Moniz 7/9.
    1 - Funchal Harbour 8/9.
    4 - Porto Moniz 9/9 08:20am to 14:40pm.
    1 - Ponta da Cruz 10/9 07:30 to 10:00am.

  16. Pomarine/Arctic Skua - Stercorarius pomarinus/parasiticus - Bredstjärtad-/Labb
    1 distant bird - Porto Moniz 9/9 08:20am to 14:40pm.

  17. Atlantic Herring Gull - Larus michahellis atlantis - "Medelhavstrut"
    Common on the coast particularly around the Port at Funchal. Birds were also seen on the high plateau of Paul Da Serra.

  18. Lesser Black-backed Gull - Larus fuscus graellsii - Silltrut
    2 juvenile - Ponta da Cruz 6/9 07:20 to 11:45am and 17:00 to 20:15pm.
    1 adult - Funchal Harbour 8/9.
    2 adults - Ponta da Cruz 10/9 07:30 to 10:00am.
    1 adult - Ponta da Cruz 12/9 07:20 to 08:30am.

  19. Common Tern - Sterna hirundo - Fisktärna
    20 - from Lido in the evening 5/9.
    34 - Ponta da Cruz 6/9 07:20 to 11:45am and 17:00 to 20:15pm.
    15 - Porto Moniz 7/9 07:50am to 20:00pm.
    15 - Funchal Harbour 8/9.
    20 - Porto Moniz 9/9 08:20am to 14:40pm.

  20. Arctic Tern - Sterna paradisaea - Silvertärna
    1 adult - Ponta da Cruz 6/9 07:20 to 11:45am and 17:00 to 20:15pm.
    5 - Porto Moniz 7/9 07:50am to 20:00pm.
    2 - Funchal Harbour 8/9.
    1 - Porto Moniz 9/9 08:20am to 14:40pm.

  21. Feral Pigeon - Columba livia - Stadsduva
    Common, but we did not find many "Rock Dove", except for 40-50 "pure" birds at Ponta do Pargo 9/9.

  22. Long-toed Pigeon - Columba trocaz - Madeiraduva
    2-3 - between Faja da Cedro Gordo and Riberio Frio 8/9 15:00pm.

  23. Barn Owl - Tyto alba schimtzi - Tornuggla
    1 - Casa Branca 6/9.
    2 - Ponta da Cruz 6/9 at dawn. Probably breeding birds. Exellent views and also heard frequently.
    2 - Canhas in the evening 7/9.
    3 - Ponta da Cruz 10/9 at dawn.
    1 - Ponta da Cruz 12/9 07:20am.

  24. Plain Swift - Apus unicolor - Enfärgad seglare
    Common everywhere.

  25. Hoopoe - Upupa epops - Härfågel
    3 - Ponta do Pargo 9/9 16:00 to 16:45pm.
    1 - Porto Santo 11/9.

  26. Grey Wagtail - Motacilla cinerea schmitzi - Forsärla
    Common and can be seen almost anywhere.

  27. Berthelot's Pipit - Anthus berthelotii madeirensis - Kanariepiplärka
    10-15 - Prainha 8/9.
    2 - Ponta de São Lourenço 8/9.
    10 - Ponto do Rosto 8/9 (all three spots located at the western tip of Madeira). The birds at Ponta do Rosto were nearly tame and were fed successfully with bread!
    2 - Ponta do Pargo 9/9 16:00 to 16:45pm.
    2 - on the high plateau of Paul da Serra 9/9.
    2 - Porto Santo 11/9.

  28. Robin - Erithacus rubecula - Rödhake
    Heard and seen almost everyday.

  29. Blackbird - Turdus merula cabrerae - Koltrast
    Heard and seen almost everyday.

  30. Blackcap - Sylvia atricapilla obscura - Svarthätta
    Heard and seen almost everyday.

  31. Spectacled Warbler - Sylvia conspicillata bella - Glasögonsångare
    2 - Ponta do Pargo 9/9 16:00 to 16:45pm.

  32. Madeira Firecrest - Regulus ignicapillus madeirensis - Brandkronad kungsfågel
    15 - Balcoes 8/9 12:00 to 14:10pm. It was best seen and heard (the call slightly like Yellow-browed Warbler) by walking along levadas through Laurel forest such as the walk to Balcoes.

  33. Chaffinch - Fringilla coelebs madeirensis - Bofink
    4 - Balcoes 8/9 12:00 to 14:10pm.

  34. Canary - Serinus canaria - Kanariesiska
    Beware of this species which is both common and extremely vocal. The call sometimes is very like Linnet, Greenfinch, Twite and Goldfinch! Large flocks were seen at Ponta da Cruz and Ponta do Pargo.

  35. Goldfinch - Carduelis carduelis parva - Steglits
    6 - Funchal Garden 5/9.

  36. Spanish Sparrow - Passer hispaniolensis - Spansk sparv
    20 - Porto Santo 11/9.

Dolphins (not identified to species) were seen on several occasions from Ponta da Cruz and the Porto Santo ferry.

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This page served with permission of the author by Urs Geiser;; March 12, 2001; updated February 28, 2003