Trip Report: Turkey, April 18-26, 1998

José Tavares, Ankara, Turkey;


Road from Ankara to Aksehir, 20 April, under rain and cloudy skies (through Polatli and Yunak).

Aksehir Gölü, 20 April. Only for 2 hours around lunch time. Tried to get to the lake shore near the village of Ortaköy, and followed a stream (canal?) from this village, but its water drained directly into the wide belt of very tall reedbeds that surround this lake, so was not able to reach the shore. The birds I have seen were either on the land side of the reedbeds, or flying overhead. There had been a huge fall of migrants in the region, and there were birds everywhere. This lake looked very promising, and it was unfortunate that I could spend so little time there.

On the road from Aksehir to Egirdir, 20 April.

Antalya - Camyuva - Kemer, 21-23 April

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This page served with permission of the author by Urs Geiser;; December 2, 1998