of the 246 species
Hotspots |
(Pause your cursor on the photo to see the species name. Click on the birds for more info... ) .... |
....Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge and Kidder County -
....J. Clark Salyer National Wildlife Refuge - Upham, North Dakota
....Upper Souris National Wildlife Refuge - Foxholm, North Dakota
....Schnell Recreation Area - Schnell Recreation Area was originally a
....National Wildlife Refuges Index - North Dakota. Includes links
.... Long Lake National Wildlife Refuge and Wetland Management
....Natural Areas of North Dakota - Includes information on: ....North Dakota's Prairie Potholes - One of North America's surprising
....Nature Conservancy of the Dakotas - preserve profiles,
....Trip Report: North Dakota and Montana - June 1999. By Robert Royce. .... ....North Dakota Trip Reports - a number of North Dakota trip reports
birdingpal.com...>> | A Birding Pal is not a paid guide, but someone who likes to help out of town visitors. You can become a Birding Pal today! Help someone to enjoy your local birding spots and find a pal to help you when you travel. Click here for North Dakota Birding Pals, or join to be a Birding Pal! |
....North Dakota Birding Society - Field Trips ....3nd Annual Sully's Hill Birding and Nature Festival - August 1 - 4
Native American Pow Wow, and much more. Over 100 bird species found at last year's festival... This website contains information about the success of last year's festival, pictures of the festival and Sullys Hill, bird lists for Sullys Hill, specific information on workshops offered at the 2001 festival, a downloadable pre-registration form and much more. Contact: Devils Lake Chamber of Commerce: 1-800-233-8048, Sullys Hill National Game Preserve PO Box 286, Fort Totten, ND 58335. |
___ Baird's Sparrow
___ Bewick's Wren ___ Black headed Grosbeak ___ Brewer's Sparrow ___ Bullock's Oriole ___ California Gull ___ Chestnut-collared Longspur ___ Clark's Grebe ___ Clark's Nutcracker ___ Common Poorwill ___ Ferruginous Hawk ___ Grey-crowned Rosy-Finch |
___ Harris's Sparrow
___ House Finch ___ Le Conte's Sparrow ___ Lewis's Woodpecker ___ McCown's Longspur ___ Mountain Bluebird ___ Mountain Plover ___ Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow ___ Pileated Woodpecker ___ Pinyon Jay ___ Prairie Falcon ___ Pygmy Nuthatch |
___ Red-bellied Woodpecker
___ Red-shouldered Hawk ___ Ruffed Grouse ___ Sage Thrasher ___ Say's Phoebe ___ Sharp-tailed Grouse ___ Smith's Longspur ___ Spotted Towhee ___ Townsend's Solitaire ___ Trumpeter Swan ___ Western Grebe ___ Whooping Crane |