Wim van der Schot's

Birds of the South Atlantic Ocean

These images are the copyright of Wim van der Schot (2002, 2003).
Larger, high resolution versions of these thumbnails are available by request by
e-mailing Wim.
These images of birds were the result of a highly succesful adventure cruise in the
South Atlantic in March-April of 2003 (Tiera del Fuego-Antarctica-South
Georgia-Gough-Tristan da Cunha Island group-St. Helena-Ascension).
All images were taken at sea in the South Atlantic or on Islands that are governed by Britain.

See also Wim's Birds of Madagascar,
Wim's Birds of the Caribbean,
Birds of Sir Lanka, or
return to the Home Page.

Inaccessible Island Rail - Photo copyright Wim van der Schot
Inaccessible Island Rail
Common White-tern - Photo copyright Wim van der Schot
Common White-Tern
Tristan Moorhen  - Photo copyright Wim van der Schot
Tristan (or Gough) Moorhen
Kerguelen Petrel - Photo copyright Wim van der Schot
Kerguelen Petrel
Atlantic Petrel - Photo copyright Wim van der Schot
Atlantic Petrel
Soft-plumaged Petrel - Photo copyright Wim van der Schot
Soft-plumaged Petrel
Great-winged Petrel - Photo copyright Wim van der Schot
Great-winged Petrel
White-bellied Storm-Petrel - Photo copyright Wim van der Schot
White-bellied Storm-Petrel
Little Shearwater - Photo copyright Wim van der Schot
Little Shearwater
Nightingale Finch - Photo copyright Wim van der Schot
Nightingale Finch
Tristan Thrush - Photo copyright Wim van der Schot
Tristan Thrush
South Georgia Pipit - Photo copyright Wim van der Schot
South Georgia Pipit
Spectacled Petrel - Photo copyright Wim van der Schot
Spectacled  Petrel
Tristan Albatross - Photo copyright Wim van der Schot
Tristan Albatross
Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatross - Photo copyright Wim van der Schot
Atlantic Yellow-nosed Albatross
Tristan Skua - Photo copyright Wim van der Schot
Tristan Skua
Antarctic (Tristan) Tern - Photo copyright Wim van der Schot
Antarctic (Tristan) Tern
Moseley's Rockhopper Penguin - Photo copyright Wim van der Schot
Mosely's Rockhopper Penguin

Please send any comments or questions to Wim van der Schot.