Trevor Quested's Bird Photo Journal

Downloads from the birds-pix discussion e-group

These photos are the copyright of Trevor Quested, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002.
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... Hardhead - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Tue, 11 Feb 2003
Hardhead (Aythya australis) 
I always had trouble photographing Hardheads (White-eyed Ducks) until I was having morning tea in Centennial Park Sydney and a lady undid a bag of bread and chucked it in the pond.
Nikon Coolpix 5700
White-throated Honeyeater - immature - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Fri, 17 Jan 2003
White-throated Honeyeater (Melithreptus albogularis) 12.5-14.5cm
A common honeyeater in northern coastal Australia.  I photographed this bird in Kenilworth, south eastern Queensland 29th December, 2002. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens,Provia 100F+1
Striped Honeyeater - Photo copyright Trevor Quested Striped Honeyeater - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Mon, 13 Jan 2003
Striped Honeyeater 
(Plectorhyncha lanceolata)
If you live in southern Australia you associate this bird with the inland
but the further north one goes the closer to the coast it gets.  It is a
beautiful songbird especially in numbers. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, Provia 100F+1
Masked Lapwing - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Masked Lapwing - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Peaceful Dove - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Sat, 11 Jan 2003
Peaceful Dove (Goepelia striata) 19-21cm
I photographed this Peaceful Dove on the ground beneath the feeder at Tom
Tarrant's house in Queensland, Australia with my Nikon Coolpix 5700. 
Focal length 20.3mm
1/54 @ f3.7
100 ISO
Sat, 11 Jan 2003
Masked Lapwing (Vanellus miles) 35-38cm
Another close up of a common Australian bird with a Nikon Coolpix 5700. I hope you like it anyway.
White-winged Chough - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Nov 6, 2002  11:54 pm
White-winged Chough
(Corcorax melanorhamphos)
This is a reasonably common bird of the woodland of the south eastern part of Australia. One of three mud nest builders in Australia it is gregarious with parties of 5-10 common. Normally I can't get close to this bird with just a 400mm lens but a Lace Monitor in a hole in the tree kept this bird around. Castlereagh Nature Reserve, 1 hour west of Sydney. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, Provia 100F+1
Diamond Firetail - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Oct 23, 2002  4:02 am
Diamond Firetail
(Stagonopleura guttata) 12-13cm
A beautiful bird which has disappeared over much of its range in south-eastern Australia. It lives in open eucalyptus forests and woodlands feeding among the native grasses. When it flies there is a sensational prominent scarlet rump. The grass in its bill is a display to the female. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, DX-50 Fill Flash, Provia 100F+1
Sacred Kingfisher - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Oct 21, 2002  6:31 am
Sacred Kingfisher
(Todiramphus sanctus) 20-23cm
This bird is a migrant to the Sydney area and has just arrived. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Provia 100F +1

Aug 31, 2002  4:48 am
Maned Duck (male)
(Chenonetta jubata) 44-50cm

Aug 31, 2002  4:48 am
Maned Duck (female)
(Chenonetta jubata) 44-50cm
Powerful Owl - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Oct 15, 2002
Powerful Owl 
[Ninox strenua]
Here is an owl digiscoped about two months ago at Lane Cove National Park, Sydney, Australia. Kowa 823, 27mm eyepiece, Nikon Coopix 990
This is the Australian Wood Duck or Maned duck. It is very common around the picnic tables in the Royal National Park near Sydney, Australia. These are tests once again of my Nikon CoolPix 5700 and I am surprised at the quality. The view through the viewfinder never seems to convey a sharp shot and the zoom is very easy to go too much or not enough making cropping difficult. The digital zoom is very strange through the viewfinder and hand held shots seem ordinary. I have been shooting a lot of macros of wildflowers and haven't had anything so far as sharp as my CoolPix 990. A 256mb card helps and I take lots of shots hoping one will be ok. This is a far cry from my F100 with the 80-400 lens.  So much to little time...
Robin Accentor - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Robin Accentor 
(Prunella rubeculoides) 
16cm Thu, 15 Aug 2002
The Robin Accentor occurs between 3600 and 4900 metres above sea level in the south Tibetan Plateau
where I photographed this one. It also occurs in the Himalayas and Central China. Bird photography at this altitude is hard work.  Often I was puffing so hard  the camera was shaking. Near Damxung, May 24, 2002. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens,  Provia 100F +1
Rufous-vented Tit - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Rufous-vented Tit
(Parus rubidiventris)
12cm Tue, 6 Aug 2002
I photographed this bird in Tong Xia Forest Park, near Xining, China.  I
have cropped it a lot and the shot looks a bit grainy but it is the best I
can do. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Provia 100F +1
Mongolian Trumpeter Finch - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Mongolian Trumpeter Finch 
(Bucanetes mongolicus) 
15cm Mon. 22 Jul 2002
I was at a waterhole watching this Trumpeter Finch and it flew in and landed very close to me.  I fired one shot before it disappeared.  A valley between He Ka and Xining, Quinhai, China 22-5-02
Beuatiful Rosefinch - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Beautiful Rosefinch
(Carpodacus pulcherrimus) 
15cm Sun, 14 Jul 2002
We encountered the Beautiful Rosefinch on a few days on my trip on the Tibetan Plateau in May.  This male was photographed near the Recking Gumpa monastery after a heavy night of snow.  I found identifying rosefinches very difficult and always deferred to my companions Gerry & Ian.  We often saw several before being confident of an ID. Photographing small birds in snow seems to require more skill than shown here.  I will gladly return and have another shot at it. 
Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, Provia 100F +1
Superb Lyrebird - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Superb Lyrebird
(Menura novaehollandiae) 
100cm Tue, 2 Jul 2002
I went with my camera club to the Minnamurra Rainforest Reserve, about 2 hours south of Sydney on Sunday.  I saw 6 Superb Lyrebirds throughout the day and managed to photograph two of them.  This was taken with a 35-70mm lens which tells you how close I was. All the birds were singing and the sound was exhilarating.  The song is a splendid stream of mimicked calls of many species of birds and intermixed with its own repeated calls.  You have
to hear it to understand it is easily the world's best song bird.It is the world's largest passerine and that makes photographing it a difficulty as it has to be side on to overcome the depth of field problem of such a long bird. With its long toes it rakes the ground and unearths its food.  Many other species forage with it. This bird had a pair of White-browed scrubwrens and one landed in the lyrebird's tail then hopped on the ground.  Now that would have been a shot! Nikon F80, 35-70 2.8mm lens, Kodak 100sw film, fill flash, 60th @ F4
Oriental Skylark - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Oriental Skylark 
(Galerida cristata) 
Jun 28, 2002 18cm
I photographed this Oriental Skylark from the vehicle as we bumped our way across the road from Xining to Wenquan on the 16th May, 2002. The roadworks never seem to end. It was a constant rough ride reducing speeds to 20 km/hr for ages. Trying to keep cameras out of the dust was a challenge.
Hume's Groundpecker - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Hume's Groundpecker
(Pseudopoces humilis)
Jun 28, 2002  19cm
The Hume's Groundpecker is a very small sandy-grey Chough which lives on the grassy plains and foothills with scattered bushes. It lives between 4000 & 5500 metres. This bird is a juvenile with its buff collar. (I am sorry its eye is closing). The river valley is typical of our daily scenery. We would stop the vehicle and walk and walk.
Kessler's Thrush - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Kessler's Thrush
(Turdus kessleri)
Jun 24, 2002  28cm 
Kessler's Thrush or White-backed Thrush was fairly common in a couple of locations on the Tibetan plateau. They eat juniper berries my book says. We certainly saw them near juniper trees. Photographed in the Lie Ba Valley on 20th May, 2002. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Provia 100F
White-throated Redstart - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
White-throated Redstart
(Phoenicurus schisticeps)
Jun 21, 2002 15cm
I loved seeing all the beautiful Redstarts on the Tibetan plateau. This bird I photographed in Tong Xia Forest Park which is near to Xining on 15th May.
Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Provia 100F
Przevalski's Rosefinch - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Przevalski's Rosefinch (Urocynchramus pylzowi)
Jun 16, 2002 16cm
This Rosefinch eluded me for a few days but I eventually caught up with it  late one afternoon high on the Tibetan plateau about four weeks ago. I didn't have a flash and didn't get a sharp shot but if you appreciate the rarity of the photograph you will forgive me. I found walking around at this altitude quite exhausting but the quality of the birds more than  compensated. 
Black Redstart - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Black Redstart
(Phoenicurus ochruros) 
Jun 13, 2002 15cm
Here is my first bird photo from my recent Tibet trip. A female Black Redstart flew into our vehicle window and landed on the ground. I was photographing the street and I quickly took a shot of the bird before it recovered and took off. Of the seven species of redstart we saw on the Tibetan plateau, this was by far the most common. Nikon F80, 35-70 2.8 lens, Kodak 100SW
Grey Fantail - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Grey Fantail
(Rhipidura fuliginosa)
15-17cm Tue, 7 May 2002
A contantly moving bird but a very common one throughout Australia wherever there are trees.  Usually it is an indicator of a small flock approaching. It tends to perch slightly sideways. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Provia 100F +1
Buff-rumped Thornbill - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Buff-rumped Thornbill 
(Acanthiza reguloides) 11cm
     Tue, 30 Apr 2002
I thought this was the inland form of the Yellow Thornbill untill I looked
at the picture. I photographed this bird in the Cowra district of New South Wales. These are tiny birds, often in parties, and always moving (read - hard to photograph). 
Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Provia 100F +1
Spotted Pardalote - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Spotted Pardalote
(Pardalotus punctatum) 
8-10cm, Mon, 29 Apr 2002
The tiny Spotted Pardalote is Annie's favourite bird and I have to say I
love seeing it as well.  A common bird on the outer foliage of eucalyptus
trees in most forests in eastern & southern Australia and Tasmania.  It has a lovely three note call that is very bell like.  I photographed this at Koorawatha Falls, Central western New South Wales on Saturday. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Provia 100F +1
Red-necked Avocets - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Red-necked Avocet 
(Recurvirostra novaehollandiae) 40-48cm, March 4, 2002
A friend and I went to Ash Island about 2 hours north of Sydney, Australia and found quite a few beautiful Red-necked Avocets on a shallow pond but just out of range of my camera. Along came a Swamp Harrier and hundreds of waders took flight and a small flock of Avocets flew past a lot closer. Red-necked  Avocets are widespread across the southern half of Australia but are irregular around Sydney. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Provia 100F +1
Y^ellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo 
(Calyptorhynchus funereus) 55-65cm
February 26
The Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo can be heard for some distance when calling. Its flight is slow with deep wing beats, with a long tail which it sometimes spreads showing large yellow windows. It occurs over an area of south eastern Australia and during autumn and winter can appear in large flocks making it quite a sight. With its bill it tears open trees to get a white grub. It also enjoys introduced pine cones as well as the seeds of native trees. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR  lens, SB-26 Flash, Provia 100F
Great Crested Tern - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Crested Tern 
(Sterna bergii) 44-48cm 
February 26 
The Crested Tern occurs right around the continent of Australia. This shot was taken in the Royal National Park, just south of Sydney. Attached is a juvenile bird as well. The birds breed on islands quite near where the photographs were taken. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Provia 100F +1
Superb Fairywren (Female) - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Superb Fairywren female
(Malurus cyaneus) 13-14cm
Feb 17, 2002
This shot of the Superb Fairywren female was taken about 4 weeks ago in the south of New South Wales.  Fairywrens live in groups and maintain a territory.  They hop or fly low over the ground and usually keep their tails
cocked.  The males have a beautiful blue plumage and engage in a lot of
territorial singing. They are very common even around our cities.
White-eared Honeyeater - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
White-eared Honeyeater
(Lichenostomus leucotis)
     February 10, 2002
The White-eared Honeyeater is a common honeyeater from most of the eastern and southern parts of australia. I photographed this bird as it came in to drink from a creek in the Great Dividing Range, southen New South Wales. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Provia 100F +1
Yellow-faced Honeyeater - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Yellow-facd Honeyeater
(Lichenostomus chrysops) 
February 9, 2002
Yellow-faced Honeyeater taken by a creek a few weekends ago. It is a common bird along the eastern part of Australia.  It undertakes a large northerly migation in autumn. 
Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Provia 100F +1
Scarlet Robin (female) - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Scarlet Robin
(Petroica multicolor)
12-14cm female
February 2, 2002
This female Scarlet Robin was in the trees above our campsite near Captain's Flat, New South Wales Australia last weekend.
Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens,  SB-26 Flash, Provia 100F +1
White-throated Gerygone - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
White-throated Gerygone
(Gerygone olivacea) 
January 15, 2002

One of my favourite birds is the White-throated Gerygone. Its song is often sung over and over. It is a beautiful song which rises and falls and rises and falls. I photographed this bird while staying at a hut on a property on 
the Great Dividing Range south west of Cowra, New South Wales.
Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Provia 100F

Double-barred Finch - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Double-barred Finch
(Taeniopygia bichenovii)
10-11 cm
December 12, 2001
The Double-barred Finch is one of my favourite birds. Its range is across the north of Australia down the eastern side of the continent to southern New South Wales. Getting close to flighty small birds with just a 400mm lens is always a challenge. This was taken in my sister's garden in a Brisbane suburb in October. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Kodak 100
Brown Honeyeater - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Brown Honeyeater
(Lichmera indistincta)
November 13, 2001
The best thing about this Brown Honeyeater some say is the song.  It sings away like a reed warbler all day long. More common north of Sydney, Australia.
Restless Flycatcher - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Restless Flycatcher 
(Myiagra inquieta)
Novermber 13, 2001
This Restless Flycatcher was above me at a picnic table in the Capertee
Valley, NSW, Australia while I was having lunch about a month ago. I just
happened to have my camera ready and popped off a few shots.  I find it hard to get a clear bright eye on black headed birds.  As this bird normally
keeps a safe distance I can expect to wait sometime before the next
opportunity. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Sensia 100+1
Blue-faced Honey-eater - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Blue-faced Honeyeater
(Entomyzon cyanotis)
November 12, 2001
This striking honeyeater is quite common over parts of eastern and northern Australia.   It doesn't occur in Sydney where I live but a little to the north and the west.  It is quite common around Brisbane parks where I took this shot at the end of October. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Provia 100F +1
Little Friarbird - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Little Friarbird
(Philemon citreogularis)
November 8, 2001

I photographed this Little Friarbird in Bundaberg, Queensland last week.
The yellow wash on the throat indicates this is an immature bird. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Provia 100F +1

Pale-headed Rosella - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Pale-headed Rosella
Platycercus adscitus 
November 5, 2001
I still haven't got the hang of this digiscoping although I have the
components. I rather like the set-up I have at the moment. Here is a Pale -headed Rosella I shot in Brisbane, Australia last week. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Provia 100F+1
Mangrove Honey-eater - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Mangrove Honeyeater 
Lichenostomus fasciogularis 
November 5, 2001

     I spent last week in and around Bundaberg, Queensland, Australia and in the mornings walked along the
Burnett River and in the mangroves and surrounding shrubs saw this honeyeater.  It occurs along a
middle section of eastern Australia.  I have seen it in my state (NSW) but that was a long time ago. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Provia 100F 

Common Kestrel (Female) - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Common Kestrel 
Falco tinnunculus
October 18, 2001

I took this photo of the Common Kestrel in Yala National Park, Sri Lanka in
March 2001. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Provia 100F

Dark-fronted Babbler - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Dark-fronted Babbler
Rhopocichla atriceps
October 18, 2001

It has been a while since I have sent a picture of a Sri Lankan bird so here
is a Dark-fronted Babbler.  This is a bird of the forest with a dense
understorey.  We saw it always in asmall party. Not hard to see but not so keen to have its photo taken. 
Sinharaja rainforest, Sri Lanka, March 2001. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Provia 100F +1

Dusky Woodswallow - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Dusky Woodswallow
Artamus cyanopterus
October 13, 2001

Woodswallows are beautiful birds in flight as well as perched.  They are one
of the few songbirds that soar.  They are closely related to honeyeaters and
have brush tongues. There are six species of woodswallow in Australia. 
Koorawatha near Cowra, New South Wales. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Fuji Sensia 100 +1

Rock Warbler - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Rock Warbler
Origma solitaria
October 12, 2001

Here is another shot of the Sydney endemic, this time with a light in the
eye. Pierce's Pass, Blue Mountains National Park. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Sensia 100+1

Brown Cuckoo-Dove - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Brown Cuckoo-dove
(Macropygia amboinensis)
October 11, 2001

This is a female Brown Cuckoo-dove, a long tailed pigeon from the east coast
of Australia.  I took this 3 weekends ago near Sydney at the Wheeney Creek  in the Wollemi National Park. It has a persistant call like "cuckoo rook". Seldom does one get close to these birds in good light. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Fuji Sensia 100+1

Rock Warbler - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Rock Warbler
Origma solitaria
October 11, 2001

A chance mid-week trip to the Blue Mountains National Park on Tuesday with some American birdwatchers was very rewarding.  We stopped for morning tea at Pierces' Pass and a Rock Warbler came hopping around our feet much to my American friends' delight. (and Annie and mine too!) This bird is endemic to the Sydney area. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Fuji sensia 100 +1

Superb Fairy-wren - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Superb Fairywren
(Malurus cyaneus)
October 8, 2001

Well I have been trying to get a decent shot of this very common Australian
bird.  Still working at it.  Where I was camping in the bush a fortnight ago, one flew past and around us quite regularly. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Kodak 100

Superb Parrot - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Superb Parrot
(Polytelis swainsonii)
October 7, 2001

This male Superb Parrot shot was taken while camping at Koorawatha, near Cowra, New South Wales, Australia.  The parrot is quite slender with a long tail and often get around in flocks of males only.  This is a beautiful bird and we saw about 50 over the 3 days we camped.  I always thought it was a ground feeder but most of the ones we saw were getting something off the leaves of the Mugga Ironbark trees.

Purple Heron - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Purple Heron
(Ardea purpurea)
Sep 21, 2001

I photographed this Purple Heron in Sri Lanka earlier this year.  We often went for a walk at sunset and the light for photography was fantastic. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Provia 100F 

Masked Lapwing - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Masked Lapwing
(Vanellus miles miles) 
Sep 20, 2001

This is a photo of the northern Australian nominate race of the Masked Lapwing.  Just visible are the yellow "spurs" in the wings. I photographed this bird in Cairns, Queensland.

Red-necked Crake
(Rallis tricolor) 
Sep 20, 2001

This bird always excites visiting birdwatchers to the Atherton Tableland, far north Queensland, Australia.  I have seen it firstly at Kingfisher lodge and secondly, and this is where I took the photo, from the verandah at  Cassowary House.  Here they come to feed on cheese daily which is just so cute!! Both these places are fantastic birdwatching areas. Nikon F90X, Sigma 400APO, SB26 flash

Weebill - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
(Smicrornis brevrostris) Sep 14, 2001 

The Weebill (8-9cm) is usually seen on the outer foliage of dryer woodlands especially eucalyptus.  It is often seen in pairs or small flocks.  It is a hard bird to photograph I know that.  At 8cm in length the problem is
filling the frame! It is Australia's smallest bird. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Provia 100F


Satin Bowerbird - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Satin Bowerbird (Ptilonorhynchus violaceus)  Sep 11, 2001

Pretty common bird in the rainforests and eucalyptus forests of eastern Australia.  I photographed this male bird (28-32 cm) last Saturday in  Fernrntree Gully environmental reserve about 3 hours north west of Sydney. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Provia 100F +1

Eastern Yellow Robin - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Eastern Yellow Robin
 Sept 4, 2001
A common bird 15-16cm of the native forest of most of eastern Australia.  The Yellow Robin (Eopsaltria australis) is usually the first to call in the morning and the last at dusk. Chiltern Box-ironbark National Park. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Provia 100F
Rufous Bristlebird - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Rufous Bristlebird
Sept 3, 2001
Well, I can't tell you how disappointed I am that this shot is not razor sharp.  This is a Rufous Bristlebird, a bird of the dense coastal scrubs & thickets
of some coastal parts of southern Australia.  This was a new bird for me and 3 of us travelled approximately 2400km in a weekend to see it.  Such is my Aussie list that to see a new bird on land requires a lot of driving.  This
was the closest by several days.

Blue Vanga
Sept 1, 2001
I don't see England as exotic.  What about Madagascar for a few vangas or Ground Rollers. Here is a blue vanga.  Now if I had a D1H.........
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo
August 22, 2001
I arrived at work yesterday to a tree full of Sulphur-crested Cockatoos in the front garden of a house at Roseville, a northern Sydney suburb.  During the day I was visited by King Parrots, Galahs, Rainbow Lorikeets, Eastern & Crimson Rosellas. How was your workplace yesterday?
Gull-billed Tern - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Gull-billed Tern
Aug 20, 2001
A common sight (Gelochelidon nilotica - 38cm) over tanks in Sri Lanka when we were there in March 2001. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Provia 100F +1
Brush Turkey - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Brush Turkey
Aug 12, 2001
While showing a young English visitor around Sydney today there was a Brush Turkey (Alectura lathami 60-70cm) at the West Head Lookout, 1 hour north of Sydney Australia. Nikon Coolpix 990
MacLeay's Honeyeater - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Macleay's Honeyeater
Aug 9, 2001
A honeyeater (Xanthotis macleayana) 20cm restricted to a section of north eastern Queensland, Australia. It lives along rainforest margins and is seen daily on the verandah of Cassowary Lodge, Julaten, near Cairns where this shot was taken. Taken about 2 years ago.
Sri Lanka Magpie - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Sri Lanka Magpie
Aug 7, 2001
One of the highlights of my trip to Sri Lanka in March this year was to see the astonishing Sri Lanka Magpie (Urocissa ornata) 47cm in the  rainforest.  At first we had glimpses but one evening a feeding flock came through quite close and much to my amazement one was close enough for a shot.  It was quite dark in the forest and the flash made it rather electric in colour. Sinharaja Rainforest Reserve, 19-3-01. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Provia 100F
Flame Robin - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Flame Robin
Jul 30, 2001
We stayed at this cabin in the Capertee Valley 3 hours west of Sydney last weekend.  We saw 3 Flame Robins  (Petroica phoenicea) 12.5 - 14cm and 88 species altogether.  A nice place to stay. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Provia 100F
Rock Warbler - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Rock Warbler
Jul 26, 2001
Here is the shot I have wanted for a long time... a Rock warbler on a rock  (Origma solitaria) 12-14 cm! This bird is endemic to New South Wales. Taken along the cliffs in the Royal National Park just south of Sydney about a month ago. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Fuji Sensia II 100
Varied Sitella - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Varied Sittella
Jul 25, 2001
This is another of one of my favourite birds.  The race we have around Sydney is the "orange-winged Sittella".  If you are lucky, when a party comes by and you give a little squeak, these birds open their wings and "parachute" down around you. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Fuji Sensia II 100
Silvereye - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Jul 25, 2001
Today I photographed this Silvereye (Zosterops lateralis) 10-12.5 cm through the window of the building where I was working at Point Piper, Sydney Harbour.  The bird has eluded me for ages but today I was level with the top of the tree. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Fuji Sensia II 100
Bell Miner - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Bell Miner
Jul 25, 2001
This bird lives in a colony in many forests in south-eastern Australia.  Its common call is a bell like "tink".  When the whole colony "tinks" the forest sounds beautiful. Cattai National Park; Sydney. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Fuji Sensia II 100
Bush Stone-Curlew (Thick-knee) - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Bush Stone-curlew
Jul 13, 2001
Bush stone-curlews  (Burhinus grallarius) 55-59cm adopt strange postures around people. Cairns, far north Queensland, Australia. Nikon F90x, Sigma 400 APO lens
Musk Duck - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Musk Duck
Jul 12, 2001
Here is my Musk Duck (Biziura lobata) 47 cm in colour. Centennial Park, Sydney. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Fuji Sensia 100
Australian Kestrel - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Australian Kestrel
Jul 10, 2001
This Kestrel  (Falco cenchroides) 30-35cm I photographed at Magic Point, near Maroubra, Sydney, June24, 2000. Nikon F100, Nikon 80-400VR lens, SB-26 Flash, Sensia 100
New Holland Honey-eater - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
New Holland Honeyeater
Jul 10, 2001
I photographed this bird   (Phylidonyris novaehollandiae) 17-18cm in the Royal National Park, just south of Sydney.
Beach Thick-knee - Photo copyright Trevor Quested
Beach Thick-knee
Jul 6, 2001
Always nice to see this bird.  This was taken at Cairns Airport, North Queensland, Australia.  It breeds regularly on the cleared area at the edge of the airfield. Nikon F90X, Sigma Apo 400 lens,  April 21, 2000
Please send comments to Trevor Quested
