Birding Factoids

656 species
in 55 families

No endemics
26 speciality species
27 endangered species
10 day trip expectation -
250 species

Checklist of Paraguay BirdsTours and GuidesEco-LodgesSpeciality BirdsMap and General Country Information
Paraguay Specialities
Bare-throated Bell-bird - National Bird of Paraguay
Photographer Unknown
    ....Paraguay's Pristine Chaco - by Charles Brennick.
      February, 1997
    ....Mbaracayu Preserve - the preserve remains
      a haven for wildlife, too. In this humid subtropical forest, several unusual birds, such as the bare-throated bellbird, flit about.

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Tours and Guides


Yellow-billed Cardinal - Photo copyright Peter LaTourrette
Photo copyright Peter LaTourrette


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Endemics and Specialities

in Paraguay

Information on endemics and specialities is derived from Sibley & Monroe checklists and bird distribution lists in Thayer's Birder's Diary - Version 2.05, supplemented by material found in Where to Watch Birds in South America - by Nigel Wheatley. South American speciality birds, while not endemic, are those that can only be found in three or less countries of South America. Information on endangered birds is derived from the IUCN Red List, Birdlife International.  The endemic, endangered and speciality birds may be uncommon, extremely rare vagrants, may be extirpated in the country now or may only be present in migration. However, documented sightings of each species noted below have been made in Paraguay. 

No Endemics in Paraguay
Endangered Birds in Paraguay
(endemics are printed in bold italic)

Breeding Birds

Non-Breeding Birds

___ Black-and-white Monjita
___ Black-fronted Piping-Guan
___ Black-masked Finch
___ Blue-winged Macaw
___ Brazillian Merganser
___ Buffy-fronted Seedeater
___ Crowned Eagle
___ Golden-capped Parakeet
___ Helmeted Woodpecker
___ Hyacinth Macaw
___ Marsh Seed-eater
___ Ochre-breasted Pipit
___ Purple-winged Ground-Dove
___ Red-spectacled Parrot
___ Rufous-faced Crake
___ Rufous-sided Pygmy-Tyrant
___ Russet-winged Spadebill
___ Sao Paulo Tyrannulet
___ Saffron-cowled Black-bird
___ Speckled Rail
___ Strange-tailed Tyrant
___ Temminck's Seedeater
___ Vinaceous Parrot
___ White-winged Nightjar
___ Yellow Cardinal
___ Dinelli's Doradito
___ Marsh Seedeater

Other Speciality Birds in Paraguay
(from Where to Watch Birds in South America - by Nigel Wheatley.)

___ Bare-throated Bellbird
___ Black-fronted Piping-Guan
___ Black-legged Seriema
___ Blue-winged Macaw
___ Crowned Eagle
___ Dinelli's Doradito
___ Giant Wood-Rail
___ Great Rufous Woodcreeper
___ Greater Rhea
___ Green-chinned Euphonia
___ Grey-and-chestnut Seedeater
___ Helmeted Woodpecker
___ Long-tailed Potoo
___ Marsh Seedeater
___ Ochre-breasted Pipit
___ Plovercrest
___ Red-Spectacled Parrot
___ Ringed Teal
___ Russet-winged Spadebill
___ Sao Paulo Tyrannulet
___ Saffron-cowled Blackbird
___ Solitary Tinamou
___ Strange-tailed Tyrant
___ Toco Toucan
___ Vinaceous Parrot
___ White-tipped Plantcutter

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